Treo Ranches COVID 19 Mitigation and Response Plan


  • “High risk” employees will be given the option of continuing summer lay off.

  • Beginning of shift temperature check must register under 100.4.

  • Employees with symptoms of any possible illness will be asked to stay home until 24 hours after symptoms subside.

  • If known exposure to COVID occurs, employee must isolate for 14 days from time of notice.

  • PPE will be required per Oregon Guidelines for the phase we are in.

  • Employees shall practice reasonable mitigation social distancing.

  • Employees shall practice meticulous hand hygiene.

  • Employees shall conduct “enhanced” cleaning, sanitation and disinfection of facilities.

  • Treo asks that their employees limit the use of guest areas to the largest extent possible.


  • Please conduct self screening prior to arrival and during your stay for fever over 100.4, new cough, shortness of breath or sore throat and act accordingly.

  • Please, if you suspect you have been exposed to COVID 19, reschedule your trip after a quarantine of 14 days.

  • Please follow social distancing as much as possible when interacting with Treo employees.


  • If an employee or guest develops symptoms of any illness on shift or during their stay…

  • Immediately isolate the person.

  • Monitor the person while maintaining distancing and utilizing PPE.

  • Ask if they would like medical care called.

  • If not, send the employee or guest home as soon as possible.

  • Dispose of PPE used by or in the care of ill person.

  • Disinfect facility.